Thursday, September 27, 2012


Sweet Corn Grilled in the Husk  ( made this tonight omg) 

Grilling/steaming fresh corn on the cob in this way con­cen­trates it’s sub­tle fla­vor and offers myr­iad oppor­tu­ni­ties for but­tery embellishments. The result is so deli­cious, I never throw sweet corn into a pot of boil­ing water anymore.

6 ears of sweet local corn
Lemon Gar­lic But­ter or Parme­san Rose­mary But­ter (recipes below)
freshly ground black pepper
  1. Cut the stem of each ear of corn to a 1-inch length.
  2. From each ear of corn, remove 3 or 4 outer lay­ers of husk. Then, one by one, gen­tly pull back each layer of husk, but do not remove it. Remove all of the corn silk.
  3. Spread each ear of corn gen­er­ously with pre­pared but­ter, sea­son with pep­per, and care­fully bring each of the husk sec­tions, sequen­tially, back over the corn. Wrap the corn ears tightly in foil and refrig­er­ate until ready to grill.
  4. Remove the corn from the refrig­er­a­tor 30–60 min­utes prior to grilling.
  5. Place the foil-wrapped ears of corn over a hot grill, cover, and roast, turn­ing every cou­ple of min­utes, for 10–15 min­utes (10 min­utes longer if the corn was not removed from the refrig­er­a­tor as spec­i­fied above). (You can also place these on an edged bak­ing sheet in a 425° oven and roast for about 20 minutes.
  6. Put one or two pack­ets of corn on each serv­ing plate and care­fully open the foil. Pull back a few of the husk seg­ments to expose the corn and let guests take it from there. Serve with the remain­ing fla­vored but­ter. Def­i­nitely pro­vide plenty of napkins.

Parme­san Rose­mary Butter

8 table­spoons unsalted but­ter
2 cloves gar­lic, peeled and minced
1 table­spoon fresh lemon juice
2 tea­spoons fresh rose­mary leaves, minced
½ tea­spoon sea salt
¼ cup grated Parme­san cheese
  1. In a proces­sor, blend the but­ter until smooth.
  2. Add the gar­lic, lemon juice,
    rose­mary, and salt, and pulse to incorporate.
  3. Add the parme­san and process to
  4. Put in a small con­tainer, cover, and refrig­er­ate until ready to
    use, or form into a log on a sheet of plas­tic wrap, enclose in plas­tic wrap,
    enclose in an addi­tional sheet of foil, and freeze for later use.

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